Capital Campaign

Annual Fund 2021

Hindsight is 20-20.

That phrase has a different bent this year, doesn’t it? A “look back” gives us a laundry list of societal and personal “should haves” and “could haves” and “wish we would haves” on a myriad of issues. When meshed together, these create a mosaic of felt frustration, pain, and uncertainty.

We chose this year’s theme, “Life in the In Between,” as a way to describe where we are. Theologically, we’re in the “now and not yet” time between the resurrection and return of Jesus. The Kingdom has come, yet not in its fullness. The Gospel holds in tension the reality of eternal hope and present chaos. As a ministry, God is reframing the literal House, as well as how we engage in discipleship. But “Life in the In Between” also names where we are in this cultural moment, navigating life and ministry in the midst of the chaos, unknowns, and missed expectations.

Throughout this season, many of you have asked how students are coping with the challenges and how you can pray. We thought it would be good for you to hear directly from a few of them.

Jenna: “Especially in the first few weeks of classes, it definitely felt really heavy, and I could almost feel the anxiety and fear just sitting over campus….I think God’s been inviting me to trust Him and let go of all of the other things that I think will provide me security and happiness (but can really be gone in an instant).”

David: “I believe the most pressing need on campus is reaching out to those who are isolated. There are several groups of people who need community more than ever but can’t easily get it. I believe it is our mission to reach out to all of them and show them the love of God.”

Matt: “Despite what craziness is in front of us, God is still moving and working. We might not be able to have packed church services and worship nights, but we still can meet in small groups. Church isn’t a building that you go to on Sunday mornings; it is a community of believers that do life together….I think COVID-19 has woken up lots of people. Now more than ever, people are seeing their need for Jesus. What an opportunity we have. People are seeking hope because they have none. Let’s give them some hope.”

I so appreciate the honesty, humility, wisdom, and hope embedded in these students’ words:

  • Desiring deeper trust and dependence on God
  • Longing for Christ-centered, interdependent community
  • Wider engagement with those who don’t yet know the love and hospitality of Christ
  • Spirit-filled imagination to see how God is working and moving on campus

The word “unprecedented” has become the over-used prologue in the collective storyline that seems to have a different twist with each new day. It has become a largely pejorative, negative, and visceral term. Half of the synonyms for “unprecedented” are, indeed, negative (abnormal, outlandish, freakish). But the other half are positive (remarkable, fantastic, miraculous, marvelous). For the believer, “Life in the In Between” holds the two sides in tension. As we look back on this year, we see God’s faithfulness, timing, grace, and provision. In Matt’s words, “Despite what craziness is in front of us, God is still moving and working.”

You share in the vision of Campus House embodying a beacon of light and love in the midst of the darkness and confusion on Purdue’s campus. Your past support is part of the reason we could reach students like Jenna, David, and Matt. By God’s grace, you are a part of their stories now, too. Thank you for praying and giving to help orient them to a hope that does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).

We turn to you now with yet another joyful invitation to come alongside our students. With just $1,180,000 left to raise for the new House, we’re in the final stretch. The Lord has overcome every obstacle to get us to this point, and the Campus House family has the incredible opportunity to see this dream to the finish line — together. Would you prayerfully consider providing future Boilermakers with a spiritual home on campus by making a gift to the capital campaign?

As many of you know, the response to the annual fund campaign is vital, as we typically receive more than 40% of the funds needed for ministry in the last three months of the year. At the time of this writing, we are 60% of the way to our year-end goal! By December, we need to raise at least an additional $423,300 to meet our ministry goal this year. For 2021, we need $1,080,784 in General Fund gifts and pledges to continue discipling students during our first year in the new building.

Will you go above and beyond to give more Purdue students like Jenna, David, and Matt opportunities to follow Jesus in the “In Between?”

In 2020, hindsight has definitely not been 20-20. Hindsight has been rather complicated and confusing. It is largely unresolved and dissonant. Apart from Jesus, “Life in the In Between” is infused with fear and distrust. And yet, “We are God’s house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ” (Hebrews 3:6). We see God’s mercy on display in and through the transformed lives of students, His provision of a new House in the center of campus, His provision of a temporary home at 320 North, and the way you have come alongside this good work with “unprecedented” generosity — truly remarkable, fantastic, miraculous, marvelous.

Hindsight fills us with gratitude for you and worship for the One who is building His Church. The powers of hell will not conquer it (Matthew 16:18).

In Christ alone,

Rob Schrumpf, Lead Pastor
On Behalf of the Campus House Staff


Purdue is not currently allowing visitor banquets in the Union. With this policy in place, it is unlikely that we will be able to host the Annual Thank You Dinner. Please be on the lookout for more information about
an opening celebration for the new House in fall 2021.