Stories from Spring Break

As a senior who has gone on the Spring Break trip before, I really wanted to use this time to facilitate community among the underclassmen. When I was an underclassman, the seniors being welcoming and including are what made this trip special. I wanted to reciprocate that to help younger students find a good Christian community.”

AVERY, Senior

I’ve never felt the presence of God quite like I did during the Spring Break trip. It felt surreal seeing everyone worshiping and praying over one another. “

ELISE, Sophomore

Over the Spring Break trip, God showed me by example what life with Him means: greater freedom from sin, an inescapable sense of love and contentment, and time spent with Him and the Body of Christ. He also showed me how to get there, through thoughtful prayer and worship and abiding by His word.”

LEV, Sophomore

I’ve been on the Spring Break retreat before, but I was very nervous for the trip this year since most of my friends that I typically hung out with were not going. However, there were a few other people going that I did know, and God brought me much closer to them during this trip! He also brought me closer to Him in the process and continued to show His love for me through those friendships, as well as through small group and chapel times, too. I am very glad that I went this year and grateful that God blessed me with so many amazing friends because of this trip.”

RACHEL, Senior

On the trip, I felt like God really worked through some other people to show Himself to me through the realization that He really is working in many places in my life that I didn’t realize before. He also strengthened the relationships I already had through these realizations.”

SHAWNA, Junior