Rob Schrumpf

Lead Pastor

Greetings from Campus House!

During Holy Week, I reflected on the spectrum of emotions that Jesus exhibited throughout His ministry. He wept over the death of a friend and the lostness of a city, but He also may have wept with joy as the 72 returned from a mission trip. He was filled with gut-wrenching compassion over the crowds and red-faced anger over the injustice in the temple courts. He showed sheer delight when children climbed on Him and sheer frustration when the disciples could not understand the “big why.” He experienced the echoes of “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday and the isolation of betrayal and weight of the world on Good Friday. On every page of the Gospels, we find Jesus experiencing the gamut of feelings, the fullness of His humanity. 

As I ruminate on this past year and the roller coaster of my own emotions, it is incredibly comforting to realize that Jesus knows what it is like to make space for a plethora of feelings to share the same table. Even in the past few weeks, there have been tears of grief over students’ stories of pain and trauma, as well as tears of joy over life-giving moments when the proverbial light bulb came on for a group of guys I discipled. I have felt overwhelmed by the layers of brokenness in the lives of some of our students, as well as a different kind of “overwhelmed” at God’s provision and the generosity of His people. I have been humbled and encouraged watching students and staff share profound truth, insight, and maturity as the love of Christ overflows into the various parts of their lives. And I have felt the parental kind of pride at the flexibility and self-sacrifice, the attitudes and actions, of these students that reflect the light of Jesus. 

It has been a curious season in an extraordinary year, but the prevailing emotion has been one of deep gratitude and excitement for what God is up to. It is such an honor for our staff to get to walk alongside, disciple, and care for your Boilermaker and keep pointing them toward Jesus and His Word. For those returning, it will be an exciting year! We will move into our new facility this summer that includes a ton of space for students to make “home,” as well as our third Greyhouse Coffee location. The vision for the new house is to be a place of hospitality, worship, prayer, equipping, and a sending base for mission. It is close to completion, and we look to be moved in by August! Please be praying for all that God wants to do in and through the space and ministry as we plan, move, and prayerfully keep in step with the Spirit. 

Also, we would ask you to prayerfully consider financially supporting the Campus House building project. We are about 94% of the way to being fully funded with nearly $6.5M being raised thus far, due to the sacrificial and generous investment in the lives of these students.

Would you prayerfully consider investing in the Campus House building project?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like clarification about anything at Campus House. God is up to something extraordinary here, and we are so grateful that your family is a part of it! 

In Christ,

Rob Schrumpf (on behalf of the Campus House Staff)
[email protected]


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